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Here you will find information about cancer care and research, news, articles, patient stories and other materials about our work and services. Our Communications serves media and journalists and please contact our Communications via,
Articles | 22.04.2021
Prostate cancer
Articles | 31.08.2020
Diagnostics Treatments

Genuinely personalised cancer treatment – What does it mean?

Genuinely personalised cancer treatment is based on genetics and individual needs. At Docrates Cancer Center, treatment is supervised by Chief...

Articles | 07.06.2020
Career story

Many people want to go to work despite cancer, says Jorma Sormunen, new Oncologist at Docrates Cancer Center

In addition to oncology, Jorma Sormunen has years of experience in occupational healthcare. He has personally witnessed how important work...

Articles | 07.06.2020

Why have our patients chosen Docrates Cancer Center?

There are as many reasons to choose a private cancer hospital as there are people. We compiled the reasons most...

Articles | 08.01.2020
Career story

35 years of treating cancers affecting women: Johanna Mäenpää has practice at Docrates Cancer Center

Joining the Docrates team, Johanna Mäenpää brings strong expertise in the treatment of gynaecological cancers. Appointments with Mäenpää are available...

Articles | 03.01.2020
Colorectal cancer Prostate cancer

Does prostate cancer radiotherapy cause bladder or colorectal cancer?

It can occur that, when radiotherapy is administered to the prostate, a risk for secondary cancer emerges. The topic has...