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Jorma Heiskanen

Specialist in Gastroenterological Surgery
Specialist in Surgery

I have a long history of treating gastrosurgical patients. I warmly welcome patients with various abdominal and intestinal symptoms to my practice, such as abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction, diarrhoea, constipation, bowel difficulties, anal symptoms, rectal bleeding, upper abdominal discomfort, heartburn and abdominal symptoms related to eating.

You can also come to my practice for a follow-up on abdominal tumors or to ask for a different opinion on your symptoms or treatment plan. I also do colon endoscopy for asymptomatic patients for screening purposes if, for example, they have an increased risk of intestinal tumours based on hereditary factors.
In addition to the practices, I do gastroscopy and colonoscopy at Docrates. We also offer haemorrhoid treatment.

When working with patients, it is important for me to create a calm, unhurried and confidential atmosphere. I try to minimize the nervousness and fear associated with the procedure by means of various measures, for example, by describing the course of the examination in detail, both before and during the examination.

Book an appointment for my practice or endoscopy by calling +358 10 773 2000.


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