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Treatments and diagnostics

Treatments that are right for you quickly and individually.

The best possible cancer treatment

We offer our patients the best possible care. For us, it means being able to reach cancer professionals quickly without a referral, without delay in starting treatment, and with comprehensive and individualized patient care.

From the beginning, our focus has been on the desire to take care of the person as a whole.

Through our collaborative network of top experts and our international collaboration, we can offer the latest in cancer treatments. In addition to the drug treatments that are already in general use, Docrates Cancer Center has the opportunity to access the latest treatments and participate in clinical drug trials.

We are constantly developing our services by listening carefully to the wishes of our patients. Our goal is for a cancer patient to live as full a life as possible, both during and after treatment.

Our unique concept brings us patients from all over the world. Our hospital has already treated patients from more than 60 different countries.

Personal care team

Our staff is dedicated to helping and supporting our patients. Each of our patients has their own doctor as well as a care team who are reachable and present at every stage of the treatment path, providing all available information and support in a new life situation.

You can walk the entire treatment path with us or combine examinations and treatments with other treatment units

Docrates is able to provide a patient with a complete treatment path from diagnosis to treatments and follow-up. It is also possible to flexibly combine treatments with Docrate and other treatment units, for example, so that it is possible to speed up and supplement examinations and treatments at other treatment sites with Docrates.


When you start treatment at Docrates

The change in life caused by the illness raises questions that are particularly important to go through. It is important for the well-being of the patient and their loved ones that adequate information and support is available throughout the treatment process. Each patient receives a contact number for his/her personal care team, which they can call whenever they need.

At Docrates Cancer Center an hour and a half is usually set aside for the first visit, that includes examination of patient’s medical reports before appointment (approx. 60 min.), doctor’s appointment and post-reporting. Before the first visit, doctor will review all the records you have sent. These include patient records, possible surgical reports and pathologist statements, laboratory responses, images, and imaging statements.


Flexibility in treatments

Several alternative treatment models

Imaging and diagnostics

Accurate imaging is needed in cancer diagnosis and treatment planning, as accurate diagnosis plays a key role in treatment design and effectiveness.

Your personal physician at Docrates will determine the imaging studies and expert care staff required. With the latest technology, we are able to provide unprecedentedly accurate studies of the location, quality, and prevalence of cancer.

Individual cancer treatments

There are more and more effective treatment options available. The three basic lines of treatment are radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical treatment. In addition, we provide immuno-oncological and radioisotope therapies, which are increasingly used in various cases.

Treatment decisions are made in consultation with the patient so that he or she is aware of the potential benefits and drawbacks of the treatment. Our goal is to guarantee the best possible quality of life and everyday life also during cancer treatments.


After treatments, regular follow-up becomes important. At Docrates Cancer Hospital, the patient always has follow-up visits with their own doctor according to an individual plan.

Docrates offers you further examinations immediately if you would have symptoms or concerns after treatment that require investigation.

Health and wellness services

Docrates Health and Welfare Services offers a wide range of rehabilitation and wellness services to cancer patients and their loved ones before, during and after treatments.

From the point of view of quality of life, it is very important for a person with cancer to pay attention to their overall health and well-being.

Information about costs

We treat each of our patients individually to achieve the best possible treatment outcome. You will have time for our specialist in a few days. Treatments are also started without delay, which is very important in cancer treatment. Once the individual treatment plan is complete, each of our patients will receive a written cost statement if they wish.


Learn more
about the treatments
for different types of
cancer with Docrates

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Why come to Docrates Cancer Center?

  • Top cancer experts and effective treatments without delay.
  • Individual care. You have your own care team - your doctor and your nurse.
  • Front line cancer treatment. Latest medical technology combined with proven expertise in cancer care.
  • Experience in treating international patients from over 60 countries. Multilingual personnel.
+358 10 773 2010

Contact us!

Mon-Thu 8:00-18:00, Fri 8:00-16:00