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Tom Wiklund

Specialist in Medical Oncology
M.D, Ph.D., Adj. Prof.

I specialise in treating breast cancer patients. You can come to my practice if, for example, you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer or the cancer returns, or for a cancer follow-up. You can also come to my practice due to problems during the treatment and follow-up of breast cancer or because you think the cancer may have returned, or if you want more information about your situation or treatment. In addition, I also treat patients with bone and alveolar soft part sarcoma, testicular cancer and lymphoma.

I have been treating cancer patients and conducting clinical trials for more than 30 years. My goal is to turn over every stone and find the most effective treatment possible for the patient, minimising the potential side effects of the treatment so that the treatment is as individually tailored as possible.

I reserve plenty of time for my appointments, enabling a calm discussion about the patient’s situation and treatment options. If they wish, the patient can also bring a loved one with them to the appointment.

Appointments can be booked from our customer service  Tel. +358 10 773 2010.


Swedish, Finnish, English


Adjunct Professor of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Helsinki 1996
Ph.D., University of Helsinki 1993
Specialist in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Helsinki 1989
M.D., University of Helsinki 1983

Work history

  • Docrates Cancer Center, Specialist in Medical Oncology 2014– (Chief Clinical Director 2014–2020)
  • Pfizer Finland and Roche Finland, Medical Director 2003–2014
  • HUH Department of Oncology, Head of Ward / Specialist / Assistant Physician 1987–2002
  • Vaasa Central Hospital Department of Oncology, Specialist 1985–1986

Memberships and positions of trust

American Society of Oncology
Finnish Society of Oncology
The Finnish Medical Association (FMA)
Finnish Breast Cancer Group

Scientific activities

Research of diagnostics and treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas, treatment of breast cancer and lymphomas, as well as long-term side effects of cancer treatment.


Tom Wiklund is working as Specialist in Medical Oncology at Docrates Cancer Center. Wiklund’s main areas of expertise are sarcoma, lymphoma and breast and testicular cancer as well as long-term side effects of cancer treatment.

Wiklund has extensive experience in clinical work and international cooperation. He has been active in many Nordic cancer groups. He has also collaborated on cancer registries in Finland and the U.S.

Wiklund graduated as a doctor in Helsinki in 1983. Wiklund began his cancer specialist studies in Vaasa and completed his degree in Helsinki in 1986. In 1993, Wiklund defended his doctoral thesis of soft tissue sarcoma under the guidance of professors Inkeri Elomaa and Carl Blomqvist. He  he was appointed Adjunct Professor of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Helsinki 1996.

While working in the pharmaceutical industry, Wiklund learned to understand drug research. Tom Wiklund is interested in oncology due to comprehensive patient work as well as cancer treatments are developing and new research and therapies are constantly advancing.

Wiklund treats patients with recently diagnosed cancer and also patients with relapsed or spread cancer. He always thoroughly investigates patient’s medical history and discusses different treatment alternatives with the patient after which the most optimal treatment is started. Often additional investigations are needed, i.e. specialty imaging or gene tests of tumor tissue.

If a patient has been diagnosed with cancer, a comprehensive evaluation is done, and Wiklund discusses possible additional diagnostic needs with the patient and in case of a breast cancer patient, also consults a breast cancer surgent, if treatment should be started with surgery or chemotherapy. He discusses the treatment plan with the patient and takes into account individual wishes. At this phase Wiklund also deliberates, if gene test is needed to evaluate if any heritable gene mutations are found and could possibly affect the treatment. He also evaluates if further investigation of tissue samples should be executed to decide upon if chemotherapy could be left out. Wiklund cooperates with a multiprofessionel team i.e. when the patient needs radiotherapy.

Wiklund always strives to have an in-depth understanding of patients and to understand each person’s individual personality and situation. There are often several alternatives in cancer care. Through discussions with the patient, Wiklund always strives to find the best solutions for the patient.