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Research Professionals of the Year honoured for the ninth time – Tuomo Alanko is Researcher of the Year

26.10.2023 Categories: Press releases
On 26 October 2023, the Finnish Research Professionals of the Year were honoured at the Clinical Trials Forum. Finnish researcher of the Year is Tuomo Alanko from Docrates Cancer Center, Research Nurse of the Year is Tiina Lönnrot from Finnish Vaccine Research FVR, and Clinical Research Associate of the Year is Rekaut "Rekku" Naderipour from RecQ Clinical.

Organised for the ninth time, the vote received more than 60 proposals, on the basis of which the panel of experts selected the Researcher, Research Nurse and Clinical Research Associate (CRA) of the Year.
The Clinical Trials Forum honours research professionals each year in order to celebrate Finnish research expertise and to raise awareness and appreciation of clinical drug and device trials. In drug trials, the researcher, research nurse and the CRA constitute a team in which each person plays an important role in ensuring the safety and success of the drug trial. Conducting drug trials is extremely high-level, strictly regulated work which requires continuous learning and in-depth understanding of good clinical research practices. Trials also play a key role in healthcare.

Tuomo Alanko, Researcher of the Year

Researcher of the Year is MD and Oncologist Tuomo Alanko who works as Chief Physician of Medical Oncology at Docrates Cancer Center.
The proposals praised Alanko’s expertise, cooperation skills and precision as a specialist in oncology, chemotherapy and clinical trials:

“Tuomo is a cancer research specialist who always has the patient’s best interests at heart and is thorough and precise about his research. Cooperation with Tuomo is efficient and fruitful.”

“A competent and meticulous researcher. His work is of paramount importance.”

Alanko started his career as a cell researcher in the field of biomedicine, preparing his doctoral dissertation on cell and cancer biology and completing his doctorate in medicine at the University of Helsinki in 2001. He conducted his specialisation studies at the Cancer Clinic of Helsinki University Central Hospital where he also began his career as a clinical researcher. Since 2002, Alanko has worked as a clinical researcher in numerous cancer drug trials (phases 1–3). He graduated as an oncologist in 2005, after which he worked at Helsinki University Central Hospital and in the pharmaceutical industry. Since 2009, he has been working at Docrates Cancer Center where he attaches particular importance to meeting patients and research into new medicines and treatments.

– It is a great honour to receive such recognition from our partners. I have always enjoyed doing research, and I believe that research into new medicines and treatments is extremely valuable and important. At Docrates, we have participated in as many as 60 clinical trials. We have a great research team doing valuable research. I want to thank our entire team at Docrates, says Tuomo Alanko, Chief Physician of Medical Oncology at Docrates Cancer Center.

Clinical Trials Forum organised for the 19th time

This year saw the 19th time that the Finnish Clinical Trials Forum has been organised. The forum is organised by Pharmaca, a technology and expert company in pharmaceutical information services and knowledge-based management.

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