1. Controller
Docrates Cancer Center, Saukonpaadenranta 2, 00160 Helsinki
tel. +358 (0)10 773 2000 fax: +358 (0)10 773 2099
2. Contact person for data protection and contact details
You can contact the data protection officer of Docrates directly at docrates.tietosuojavastaava(a)fondia.com.
3. Name of the register
Docrates Syöpäsairaalan uutiskirjettä koskeva rekisteri (Docrates Cancer Center Newsletter Register)
4. Purpose and basis of the processing of personal data
The marketing register is maintained by Docrates Cancer Center on the basis of consent given; for providing information and marketing related to the services
5. Data content of the register and categories of data subjects
We are processing the following data in relation to your newsletter subscription: Email address
6. Regular sources of data
We do not collect data for the newsletter register from any other sources besides you.
7. Data disclosure and transferring data outside the EU or EEA
The processing of marketing register data may be outsourced to group companies and/or external service providers who process personal data on behalf of Docrates.
Your personal data will not be processed or transferred outside the EU.
Docrates Cancer Center uses the following external service providers in processing of personal data:
- LianaTech, newsletter subscription and marketing base maintenance
Docrates Cancer Center uses the following information systems in the processing of personal data:
- Newsletter editing and sending system
8. Principles of protecting personal data and retention periods
Manual materials are stored in locked storage facilities. Information in electronic format is stored in information systems that use both technical and software measures to ensure information security and to monitor access to the information. Access to the registered data is limited to specific persons to the extent necessary for their duties. All persons using the register data are bound by a non-disclosure obligation.
The personal data will be processed until the data subject withdraws their consent.
9. Rights of data subjects
The data subject has the right to access their data as well as the right to request the rectification of incorrect data. The requests must be submitted personally or in writing to the contact person mentioned in section 2.
Data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the link at the end of each newsletter.
The data subject has the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of personal data with the Data Protection Ombudsman.