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Symptoms of breast cancer

In the majority of cases, localised breast cancer is asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. The most common symptom of breast cancer is a non-tender lump in the breast or underarm area. In some asymptomatic cases there is no evidence of  a lump, but the cancer is found, for example, in mammography screening.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • A lump in the breast or underarm area
  • Pain in the breast or swelling of the breast
  • Changes to the skin over the breast, such as retraction of the breast skin or the nipple
  • Any nipple discharge—particularly clear discharge or bloody discharge
  • Sometimes even back pain or unexplained fatigue can be a symptom of breast cancer

It’s good to remember that these changes are not always a sign of breast cancer. The majority of lumps in the breasts are benign changes such as cysts. However, the symptoms always require further medical evaluation to ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Remember that by performing breast self-exams regularly, you will be able to more easily identify any changes in your breast.

Prompt access to breast cancer specialist for diagnosis and tests

If you have a suspicion of breast cancer or you have received a diagnosis recently, it is possible to book an appointment with an oncologist at Docrates Cancer Center quickly and without a referral. Our specialist evaluates the situation and recommends further examinations if necessary. Typically, such further examinations include ultrasound-guided  needle biopsy and /or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

On your first visit to Docrates, you are assigned a doctor of your own, while our coordinating nurse ensures that your treatment process is as smooth and fast as possible. The nurse helps you in practical matters and supports you throughout the entire treatment path.

For further information, kindly contact our skilled nurses.

Whether you suspect you may have developed breast cancer or have just been diagnosed, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team (tel: +358 50 500 1839 or e-mail international (a) will gladly help you to arrange everything you might need for your visit to Docrates Cancer Center and will be happy to answer all your questions.

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Why come to Docrates Cancer Center?

  • Top cancer experts and effective treatments without delay.
  • Individual care. You have your own care team - your doctor and your nurse.
  • Front line cancer treatment. Latest medical technology combined with proven expertise in cancer care.
  • Experience in treating international patients from over 60 countries. Multilingual personnel.
+358 10 773 2010

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Mon-Thu 8:00-18:00, Fri 8:00-16:00